A Nice Run to La Sagrada Familia (Day 29)

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Right now it is almost 11pm on Wednesday night and I am having the challenge of remembering what I did all day yesterday. I am full from an amazing dinner and delicious wine and it will take some brain power to recall. Can you relate to that feeling?

So here I go…. Tuesday morning Kelli took the kids to school, as she had Spanish class there after drop off. I went for a run to La Sagrada Familia. I have never seen it up close and personal and it did not disappoint! It’s unlike anything I have ever seen before. It was about a 5 mile loop. I came home, did some work and then took a walk to pick up some running gear I accidentally left in the states. 

Outside La Sagrada Familia

After Kel’s Spanish class, she went to yoga and it worked out great that she was near me and we had a nice lunch together at an outdoor cafe. 

The rest of the day was pretty straight forward. Doing work from home, Leila and Joshua both having friends over after school, eating dinner on our terrace, and the weather has been just perfect. This is starting to feel like home. 
