
Below are the FFwd Mindset plans, worksheets, videos and articles referenced in the book. See Page Number.
Where Do You Want to Be More Fearless?
Complete Online FormFFwd Mindset Plan (Includes Steps 1, 2, & 3)
Download PDFThe 30 Day Fearless Focus Challenge
Join Facebook GroupStep 1: Take Action
5 Themes of Success (From TrueNYC entrepreneurs interviews)
Read On ForbesKids Passing Around A Basketball (Selective Attention Test)
What is Unique About Me?
I’m completing an exercise that seeks to pinpoint what my unique ability is and I need your help. I value your opinion so I wonder if you could think about the following question and get back to me within 24 hours: What do you see as my unique ability? This would include my talents and abilities, characteristics that describe me, how I do things that produce positive results, what I’m good at and passionate about, what you can count on me for, and any other distinguishing characteristics.